Phillip B. Levine writes that such a change would directly benefit low-income students. Recently, a number of Republican lawmakers expressed opposition to proposals to double the Pell Grant. They argued that more generous grants would simply lead colleges to increase their prices, canceling out the intended benefit of making college more affordable for low-income students. However, not only […]
college cost
College, Cheaper Than You Think
How much would you say it costs to attend a top private college like Dartmouth or Pomona for one year? I’m guessing that the first number that pops into your mind is quite large, like $60,000.For most Americans, that’s the wrong answer — and it’s wrong by a lot. The list-price tuition at these college does indeed run so high, but just a small slice of the population pays the list price. Typically, only families earning at least $200,000 a year fail to qualify for financial aid. For families with middle-class incomes, highly selective colleges are much, much less expensive.